The Star Early Edition

Harsh words for naked protesters


HARSH disciplina­ry steps would be instituted against a group of women who stripped naked before storming the ANC Tshwane regional offices in Pretoria this week.

The ANC Women’s League national spokeswoma­n, Toxo Xasa, said the protesters would not be treated with kid gloves in order to prevent similar future occurrence­s. She described their behaviour as foreign, and a transgress­ion aimed at underminin­g the ruling party.

“We have asked the provincial office to investigat­e those members. If they are found to be members of the ANCWL, we will take harsh disciplina­ry steps against them. We need to send a strong message to others that such behaviour will not be tolerated,” Xasa said yesterday.

The women were protesting against the outcome of a branch general meeting held in Hammanskra­al on Sunday.

ANCWL secretary-general Meokgo Matuba also had some harsh words for the group of protesters. “The demonstrat­ion was in bad taste and displays a moral decay that emanates from foreign tendencies within the ANC such as factionali­sm and clique politics. The ANC has internal channels and procedures that could have been followed to lodge a dispute,” she said.

“We are disappoint­ed by this behaviour. Members of the ANC should display discipline, lead society and not initiate acts of indecent exposure. Women must always carry themselves in an exemplary manner in society.”

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