The Star Early Edition

Israel not only humanitari­an issue

- Allan Wolman

IN ITS “daily commentary” on Israel (January 12), The Star reports on home demolition­s in the occupied West Bank and Gaza last year. The report quotes the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitari­an Affairs (OCHA).

A quick search of some major news sites cannot reveal one single incident of a home demolition in Gaza since the hostilitie­s of 2014. There certainly were in the West Bank, but this story gives no reason for these demolition­s. The uninformed would naturally assume that such acts are done for no reason at all.

However, OCHA lists its top stories for 2016 on various humanitari­an issues. Syria features 78 times, Sudan 65, South Sudan 80 and Yemen 61.

Interestin­gly Israel features only once. And The Star chooses to ignore all other humanitari­an disasters in favour of one report about home demolition­s in retaliatio­n for terror attacks similar to the attack in Jerusalem this week, which killed four people and wounded 15. Rosebank I’M HIGHLY disturbed by this ongoing trend of looting, especially in the townships.

Why is it that every time a truck loses control and overturns, people choose to loot instead of helping the driver to get medical attention by calling an ambulance?

Is it hunger or heartlessn­ess?

Has hunger turned us into heartless looters who care for our bellies more than human life?

How would you feel if you


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