The Star Early Edition

Family upset by slow progress in case


IT HAS been nearly twoand-a-half years since four-year-old Taegrin Morris, pictured, was killed when hijackers dragged him along the road as he hung from his father’s car during the hijacking in Reiger Park. Police are yet to make inroads in the investigat­ion.

“I was with one of the detectives handling this case,” the child’s father, Elwin Morris, said on Monday.

“I was told that a warrant of arrest would be issued and they know who the suspects are.

“It has been more than two years since my son was killed and police have not made an arrest. They arrested the wrong person and made promises when politician­s were here after Taegrin’s death.”

He said his wife Chantel was disappoint­ed.

“She’s heavily upset. She had hope because she thought she would finally get closure, but police have said nothing.”

The couple had another son last year.

Morris said that had made the pain of losing Taegrin more bearable.

“We’ve been happy. But as a parent, you always live knowing you lost your child.”

Taegrin died in July 2014 after being dragged for a long distance alongside the hijacked car.

The four-year-old was in a Volkswagen Golf with his mother, father, and sister when three hijackers approached them.

They ordered the family out of the vehicle.

Taegrin was hanging halfway out the car by his safety belt when the hijackers drove off. He was found dead in Boksburg, about 10km from the crime scene.

Police spokespers­on Lieutenant-Colonel Lungelo Dlamini said several leads were being followed to link the suspects to the hijacking.

In October 2014, police arrested Thamsanqa Twala for the hijacking and murder. However, the charges against him were later withdrawn.

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