The Star Early Edition



THIS coming week’s investors’ attentions will be on the release of GDP economic growth rates during Q1 for the US and the UK.

Most developed countries will also release their latest Purchasers Managers Indices (PMI) Balance of Trade figures, Consumer Confidence indices and inflation rates.

Domestical­ly, the Reserve Bank Monetary Policy Committee will meet on Thursday and announce their stance on the Repo rate.


Tomorrow: Meeting of Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Reserve Bank.

Wednesday: StatsSA releases inflation rate for April.

Thursday: StatsSA announces April PPI rate. MPC will announce any repo rate changes.


Today: Japan: Balance of Trade – April; Russia: Retail sales and unemployme­nt – April; US Chicago Fed National Activity index – April.

Tomorrow: Japan: Nikkei manufactur­ing index – May; Germany: GDP growth rate – Q1; Germany, France, EU and US: Manufactur­ing, composite and services PMI – May; Canada: Wholesale sales – March; US: New home sales – April.

Wednesday: Germany: Consumer confidence – June US: Crude oil stocks – May/19.

Thursday: UK: GDP economic growth rate – Q1; UK: Business investment index – Q1; US: Jobless claims – May/19; US: Goods trade balance – April; US: Wholesale inventorie­s – April.

Friday: Japan: Inflation rate – April; US: GDP growth rate – Q2; US: Corporate profits – Q1.

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