The Star Early Edition

Scientists find formula for a flawless bottom


LONDON: In a world full of problems, you’d think they’d have something better to do, but scientists announced yesterday they had found a mathematic­al formula for the most perfect woman’s bottom.

After poring over photos, asking hundreds of experts and taking precise measuremen­ts, it turns out that ideal derrières all have one thing in common: a magic number correspond­ing to the ratio between the waist and the hips.

The researcher­s found the most admired figure, expressed as a ratio of 0.7, was the same as the vital statistics of stars from the golden age of cinema, including Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor.

A number of modern celebritie­s also come close to this magic number.

British actress and model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, who has a 6.2.5cm waist and 88.9cm hips, boasts a ratio of 0.71, calculated by dividing the circumfere­nces of the waist by the hip.

US singer Beyoncé is just a fraction off the ideal at 0.65, with a 66.04cm waist and 101.6cm hips.

Scientists from Erasmus University in the Netherland­s showed 583 plastic surgeons and 450 members of the public in 40 countries images of a 27-yearold model that were digitally altered to create a range of body shapes. Overall, the researcher­s said 39%, the biggest group, found the 0.7 waist to hip ratio was their ideal.

The authors said: “Of all body parts, across many cultures and time, the buttocks have endured as a key body element of female beauty.” Writing in the journal Plastic and Reconstruc­tive Surgery, they added: “There seems to exist a global consensus regarding the ideal waist to hip ratio.”

Views varied between nations, with surgeons in Latin America preferring the largest buttocks, followed by those in Asia, North America and Europe.

Having a slimmer waist than hips is not just a measure of beauty, but doctors say it may be a better indicator of health than body mass index, which is your weight divided by height squared.

Some women go to great lengths to achieve the perfect behind, with buttock augmentati­on surgery becoming increasing­ly popular.

The authors said the number of operations had increased by more than 20% between 2014 and 2015. – Daily Mail

A magic number correspond­ing to ratio between the waist and hips

 ??  ?? CURVACEOUS: Beyoncé, Sophia Loren and the late Elizabeth Taylor have ideal derrières.
CURVACEOUS: Beyoncé, Sophia Loren and the late Elizabeth Taylor have ideal derrières.
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