The Star Early Edition

Vusi Nova has something special for Valentine’s Day


AFRO-soul singer Vusi Nova has a voice sent from the heavens.

It’s fitting he will be one of the artists performing at the upcoming Evening of Love (Evol) concert on Valentine’s Day as his music is often found on the playlists at weddings and other romantic events.

The Star caught up with the singer to find out about his ideas on love.

The Star (TS): What has been your favourite Valentine’s Day surprise/gesture?

Vusi Nova (VN): An expression of love – I am such a hopeless romantic. So anything that would put a smile on my face.

TS: What does love mean to you?

VN: I’ve always believed in love, and if we could all love each other, find love, or even just learn to love ourselves for who we are, it would make life better, you know. I really do believe in the whole “happily ever after” thing. Love inspires me to do the kind of music I do.

TS: What do you think is the greatest love song of all time?

VN: Marvin Gaye – Let’s Get It On.

TS: How would you describe your perfect partner in three words?

VN: Loving, unpretenti­ous, driven.

TS: What tips do you have for couples to keep the love alive?

VN: Learn something new about each other each week, try to have a date night at least once a month. It doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagan­t – just something to share an intimate moment with your partner.

TS: What does Valentine’s Day mean for you?

VN: I’ve always believed in love, and I think it’s always expressed in my music. I believe that there is love out there for everyone, so for me, Valentine’s Day is just another day on which people can express the love they have for each other.

TS: What can fans look forward to for your performanc­e at Evol?

VN: This is going to be a huge event, with some amazing artists in the line-up at an amazing venue, the Sun Arena in Pretoria. I’m planning to share the love I have for my fans and music on stage.

TS: What will you do differentl­y this Valentine’s Day?

VN: I guess spread more love through my music. Like I said, I love love, and finding new ways to spread it this year is quite exciting. Leading up to the Evening of Love I’ll be doing a few things for my fans.

You can catch Vusi Nova performing alongside Ntando, Kelly Khumalo and more on February 14 for the Evening of Love concert. Tickets start from R250.


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