The Star Early Edition

11 ‘terrorist’ doctors detained


ISTANBUL: Turkish authoritie­s began to detain a number of doctors from the board of the Turkish Medical Associatio­n over a statement released last week that condemned war as a public health threat.

The private Dogan news agency said 11 doctors were set to be detained. Cumhuriyet newspaper said there were pre-dawn raids at some of the doctors’ homes.

“The Turkish government should be protecting the Turkish Medical Associatio­n from threats of violence. Instead it is detaining doctors from their beds this morning on false accusation­s of ‘terrorist propaganda’,” said Andrew Gardner, a researcher at Amnesty Internatio­nal, the human rights group.

The doctors’ associatio­n, of which most Turkish doctors are members, have faced a range of threats since their statement. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly slammed the organisati­on in recent days, calling the board “terrorist lovers”, fools and supporters of imperialis­m.

Ali Seker, a medic and member of parliament from the main opposition People’s Republican Party, denounced the detentions, likening the move to the 1980 military coup, when doctors faced arrest.

“Fascism is targeting this country again,” Seker wrote on Twitter.

Turkey has launched a military operation targeting Afrin, a Kurdish-enclave inSyria held by the YPG, a group Ankara dubs a terrorist organisati­on.

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