The Star Early Edition

Goals are needed by City


CAPE TOWN City’s interminab­le quest for goals continues when they host Chippa United in a PSL fixture at the Athlone Stadium tonight (kick-off 8pm) – and the big question is: Has coach Benni McCarthy managed to permeate his players with a few pointers on how to find the back of the net?

McCarthy, one of the county’s most gifted marksmen, has cut a frustrated presence on the touchline as his team slumped to four consecutiv­e defeats over the last few weeks. It’s not that they’ve played badly – in fact, they performed rather well – it’s just that they’ve squandered so many scoring opportunit­ies.

So what informatio­n can McCarthy impart? Based on his own experience as a goalgetter, what knowledge can he offer his players?

Well, he needs to impress on them that goal-scorers have attitude. They don’t think too much in the penalty area, they just do what comes naturally. He has to stress to his men the importance of composure: steady, focus on what needs to be done, and stick the ball where you want it to go; don’t snatch at it, don’t rush and, above all, trust your instincts. He also has to infuse them with confidence – this is the key to scoring. Goals are missed by players all over the world, but the critical thing is to not let it bother you; don’t dwell on such misses, rather wait for the next opportunit­y and make the most of it. Importantl­y, don’t hide, accept the responsibi­lity, and handle the scoring opening with confidence.

Because the big problem at City right now, with their current scoring crisis, is that everybody is afraid of the ball in the penalty area. Nobody wants to miss, nobody wants to grab the initiative and so, when players are forced into a scoring situation, they rush, they snatch, they fumble, and then, needless to say, they miss.

A few weeks ago, City were firmly in the race for the PSL title. After four losses on the trot – Sundowns, Chiefs, Wits and Baroka – they are now fighting just to stay in a top eight position. McCarthy will be desperate to get his team back on track when they face Chippa tonight – but, in order to do so, they’ll need to bring a more decisive cutting edge to their finishing.

Captain and central defender Robyn Johannes has watched his teammates flounder in front of goal, consistent­ly squanderin­g their scoring chances, and he has been just as frustrated as his coach. He is hoping for a change in fortune tonight.

“It’s another difficult game for us,” said Johannes. “Chippa’s never an easy team to play against.”

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