The Star Early Edition


- | Staff Reporter

RAMPANT sexual abuse in churches will be top of the discussion when about 100 faith-based leaders meet tonight.

#NotInMyNam­e, a group of men against woman and child abuse, have organised men of the cloth, traditiona­l healers, Jews, Muslims, Rastafaria­ns and Hindus, among others, to a roundtable discussion aimed at addressing the abuse of power and religion perpetuate­d by some errant spiritual leaders on congregant­s. Former SABC boss Hlaudi Motsoeneng is also expected to grace the event in his capacity as a pastor.

“We have seen a huge increase in cases of sexual abuse in our church, the latest one being that of Pastor Timothy Omotoso (currently on trial for sex traffickin­g). We decided to take a stand because churches are supposed to be to a safe place and preachers are meant to spread the word of God, but some of them are taking advantage of the positions they occupy,” said #NotInMyNam­e secretaryg­eneral Themba Masango yesterday.

He said they had approached Paseka Motsoeneng, popularly known as Prophet Mboro, who leads the Incredible Happenings, a church based in Ekurhuleni.

“We went to him seeking advice on how to deal with this onslaught faced by women. He came up with the idea of a supper setting for various faith-based leaders,” said Masango, adding that Prophet Mboro was sponsoring the event, held at the Elia Mediterran­ean Restaurant in Alberton tonight.

“It’s time we all join hands and bring churches, mosques and temples to where they are meant to be. Let’s all support #NotInMyNam­e,” said Mboro.

Bishop Julius Moloi, president of the Christian Ministers Council of Southern Africa, said they backed the initiative and would not allow abuse of congregant­s in their name.

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