The Star Early Edition

Eusebius McKaiser irritates many of the 702 listeners


I HAVE finally been sufficient­ly irritated by 702’s talk show host Eusebius McKaiser to fire off this diatribe. What could possibly have possessed 702’s management to employ this leftist social activist/agitator as their midmorning presenter?

The man is driven by loathsome PC agendas. While we understand there are problems associated with racism, patriarchy, “toxic masculinit­y” – one of his favourites – LGBTQ issues and other favourites such as gender identity, feminism, colonialis­m, class and every other fashionabl­e minority cause, does he really believe that mid-morning radio is the platform to preach this?

I think he believes that his job as talk show host is to ram his views of the above causes down his listeners’ throats. For all we know, that may well be his brief. But does he have to be quite so nauseating? For example, he just loves to show off his “superior” education, his legal training – such as it is – his debating skills, his philosophi­cal insights, and his friends in the rarefied socially activist milieu in which he dwells. Name-dropping is one of the many tools with which he attempts to impress his listeners.

And to drive home the vast distance between his intellectu­al superiorit­y and theirs, he employs a clutch of trending buzzwords and phrases. All clichéd…

This morning (November 16) he demonstrat­ed (again) his talents for the fatuous when he mocked believers in a deity – failing utterly to understand that faith is a subjective experience but nonetheles­s very real for the believer, and that it cannot be subjected to scientific tests and proofs.

But of course true scientists, unlike poseurs like McKaiser, understand this perfectly. And for the benefit of McKaiser’s ignorance, there are many scientists who do not and will not rule out the existence of God.

I urge him to listen to Bach’s St

Matthew’s Passion, Mahler’s First Symphony, Mozart’s Coronation and Requiem masses, Poulenc and Faure’s requiems, Beethoven’s Mass and his symphonies 3, 6 and 9. He might then perhaps understand how it feels to experience faith. Or with him perhaps not . I also suggest he reads Milton, TS Eliot, Teilhard de Chardin, CS Lewis, GK Chesterton and a raft of others. Maybe he would care to stand outside and within St Peter’s in Rome, St Paul’s in London, Chartres Cathedral in France, the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. He might just experience a quiver of understand­ing of what it means to believe.

This morning he subjected his listeners to a session with a “visual” artist – whatever that means. To say it was gobbledego­ok would be flattering the

term. Did anybody understand a word of that solemn, pretentiou­s nonsense?

Indeed Private Eye would welcome Eusebius McKaiser to their pantheon of pseuds. He would be a worthy addition to Pseuds Corner.

But he would first have to “deconstruc­t” the meaning of the above before yielding to its siren attraction­s.

The man is a narcissist through and through, and what he is doing for three hours every morning on a mainstream radio channel is a puzzlement for me and many others I know.


Melrose North, Joburg

 ??  ?? EUSEBIUS McKaiser should visit iconic places of faith-based worship like St Peter’s Square in the Vatican City, captured in this 2004 photo, among others, to try to understand believers who don’t share his views, the writer says. | ALESSANDRO BIANCHI Reuters
EUSEBIUS McKaiser should visit iconic places of faith-based worship like St Peter’s Square in the Vatican City, captured in this 2004 photo, among others, to try to understand believers who don’t share his views, the writer says. | ALESSANDRO BIANCHI Reuters

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