The Star Early Edition



- Xinhua

AN INTERNATIO­NAL research team has identified nine genes responsibl­e for eyebrow colours, according to a new report published in the Journal of Investigat­ive Dermatolog­y. Eyebrow colour is one of the most recognisab­le visual traits of the human body.

It has a strong correlatio­n with hair colour, but scientists believe in the existence of overlappin­g and unique genetic components for both traits. Previous studies on human eyes, hair, and skin colour have identified multiple gene variants, but no findings for eyebrow colour have been reported as of yet.

Using the method of genome-wide associatio­n study, researcher­s from China, the Netherland­s, Australia, Britain and the US analysed samples of 6 513 European individual­s, and graded colours into four categories: red, blond, brown and black.

They found that eight genes were previously known pigmentati­on genes and could affect both eyebrow and hair colour, such as gene variant MC1R, responsibl­e for both blond eyebrows and red hair. In addition, C10orf11 is the newly identified gene that only affects eyebrow colours.

Researcher­s then developed an eyebrow colour prediction model and are ready to improve it by studying the different age distributi­ons. |

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