The Star Early Edition

Tweet lands Boity’s mom in hot water

- | Kedibone Modise and Jamal Grootboom

MODIEHI Thulo’s (Boity Thulo’s mom) controvers­ial tweet about people dying of anal sex landed her in hot water on Monday.

Taking to Twitter, Thulo wrote: “I’ve seen many, many people dying from constant anal sex.

“The muscles on the anus don’t contract back after sex, once the sphincter muscle laxity is reached, nothing can be retained. Hence people start wearing adult napkins.”

The tweet seemingly didn’t sit well with tweeps who hurled insults at the rapper’s mom.

◆ “You’re clueless about anal sex. I don’t know what this is, but it ain’t it,” commented @_Mpumz

◆ “Actually, o bua masepa(it’s hogwash),” commented @__MJDr.

◆ “Boity’s mom??? please luv it makes no cents”, said local DJ and artist @ lelowhatsg­ood.

◆ “Ma’am, who has died from anal sex? What was the exact cause of death? This is gross misinforma­tion and irresponsi­ble fear mongering”, said @ Melusi_MD.

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