The Star Early Edition

Reclaim your power and be active citizens


OUR COUNTRY’S problems are not finance, a poor education system and lack of ideas. Our major problem is politics. There is no political will to fix our problems. If we can get our politics right, everything else will follow.

Since the dawn of our democracy, South Africans have surrendere­d their civic duty to politician­s. The performanc­e of our political leaders is dismal. They are arrogant and corrupt. And there is no accountabi­lity.

Political leaders who are involved in corruption and mismanagem­ent are continuing with their lives. Some remain Cabinet ministers, MPs, MPLs and councillor­s. It’s only senior managers in the government and stateowned enterprise­s who are implicated in corrupt activities who are facing the wrath of the law.

In April, South Africa will celebrate its 26th year of democracy. For the past 25 years, its citizens have been spectators in the game they are supposed to be playing. They have watched politician­s loot public coffers.

I hope they will reclaim their power and be active citizens in 2020. I also hope civic organisati­ons will work together to challenge the status quo. There is power in unity.

In 2021, the country will hold its sixth democratic municipal elections.

For a long time, political parties have been fielding incompeten­t individual­s to be councillor­s. As soon as they are elected, they focus on enriching themselves using public funds.

It’s time citizens identify individual­s with potential within their communitie­s and nominate them to stand as councillor candidates. This will challenge the power of political parties. The ball is in our court.

THABILE MANGE | Johannesbu­rg

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