The Star Early Edition

Acing matric with ill dad

King David High pupil achieves five distinctio­ns while supporting parent through cancer


DAVID Katz, 18, from King David High School Linksfield did not have the best start to his matric year but still managed to ace his exams.

He beat all odds to obtain five distinctio­ns – accounting, Hebrew, life orientatio­n, maths, physical sciences.

While doing his matric year, David also had to deal with the news of his father, Larry, fighting cancer. David had to adjust and live alone from

March, when his parents went to India for his father’s treatment.

“I had to teach myself a lot of schoolwork,” David said.

He said his worst moments in the year were when his father was fighting for his life.

Through the preliminar­y and final exams, his father’s health turned for the worst and was he in a critical condition in hospital.

David spent afternoons after school in the hospital visiting him.

At this time, things got bad for him and he collapsed during the preliminar­y exams.

“My emotional state was hit. I missed a lot of school so my academics were affected, I could have done a lot better. My dad was on life support,” he said.

While David was hoping for four distinctio­ns he exceeded expectatio­ns by achieving five.

He plans to pursue a business science degree at UCT.

“I’ve always had an interest in business,” David said.

He added that he wanted to follow in his businessma­n father’s footsteps.

“My dad loves my career choice because he’s in the same field,” he said.

While waiting for the results, David also had to regularly visit his father in the hospital, where his condition has greatly improved.

David has advised future matrics to know how to prioritise their school work and to not wait for the last minute.

“Work in advance,” he said. |

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