The Star Early Edition




1 Smashed glass tap at the final attempt (4,4)

6 Take off football uniform (5) 10 Crack about design of clothing (7)

11 Bury to conceal an example of the whole number (7) 12 Small part turned up overhead (5)

13 Reluctant funny farm (6,3) 14 Spearhead in the wrong (3) 15 Hands back for exchange (4)

16 Car tore off around ancient city (6)

19 Some wine makes for a warm heart in coffee shop (6) 20 Second sweet potato (4) 21 Of that kind in the milky container (3)

24 Cede run-out without an ability to stand (9)

26 Evident that chlorine reduced hearing (5)

27 Her coal scuttle was in disorder (7)

28 Excess of breakers and tiebreaks (7)

29 Record runs come to an end (5)

30 Slim pickings in election trainer (8)


2 On-air broadcast took in Thailand and most of Turkey (4,5)

3 Two sheer suits appropriat­e to dress in if a little rundown (3,5,3,4)

4 American leader cross at court order of dictator (8) 5 Runs off footmarks? (6) 6 Quieten down ancient soundtrack­s and get one’s own back (6,3,6)

7 Man is received and understood (5)

8 Bad parent with the right spouse (7)

9 Fixed prices in the abstract (6)

17 Create a scene over wage increase? He will! (5,4) 18 Chalet parties demand to receive US leader first (5-3) 19 Short-crop workers laid off (4,3)

22 Heads of king’s army rank a combat system (6)

23 Stay in tents and cane wayward politician (6)

25 Lose heart when doctor initiated or raised surgery (5)

Yesterday’s solutions:

Across: 1 Go the distance. 10 Paisley. 11 Run into. 12 Inlet. 13 Recondite. 14 Informal. 16 Puma. 20 None. 21 No-frills. 24 Inelastic. 26 Voter. 27 Optimal. 28 Resigns. 29 Spin a good yarn.

Down: 2 Oriel. 3 Half term. 4 Daydream. 5 Spruce. 6 Awning. 7 Continual. 8 Optician. 9 Move. 15 Fingertip. 17 Abstruse. 18 Concerto. 19 Travesty. 22 Salmon. 23 Stalag. 24 In on. 26 Tiger.


1 Country in Indochina (8) 6 Car accident (5) 10 Epiphytic plants cultivated for their flowers (7)

11 Twining part of a plant (7) 12 Follower of an Iranian religion stressing the unity of mankind (5) 13 Incorporat­e, circumscri­be (9)

14 Moray (3)

15 Beneficiar­y (4)

16 Steady, firm (6) 19 Silkworm’s protection (6) 20 Amphibian (4)

21 Dandy (3)

24 Cycling track (9) 26 Inspection of business accounts (5)

27 West African state founded by freed slaves (7) 28 Shakespear­ian play about the Moor of Venice (7) 29 Periods of 12 months (5) 30 Mythical city of gold (2,6)


2 Dipsomania­c (9)

3 Central American territory now known as Belize (7,8) 4 Word blindness (8) 5 Launch an assault (6) 6 Director of photograph­y for a film (15)

7 Main artery (5)

8 Vatican City (4,3)

9 Minor weakness of character (6) 17 Discombobu­lated (9) 18 Sponge (8)

19 Mounted troops (7) 22 Military detachment detailed for reconnaiss­ance (6)

23 Tribute (6)

25 Nation in north Africa (5)

Yesterday’s solutions:

Across: 1 Counterfei­ter. 10 Enforce. 11 Taffeta. 12 Larva. 13 Test match. 14 Chaplain. 16 Lama. 20 Dove. 21 Dividend. 24 Card sharp. 28 Habit. 27 Brigade. 28 Toronto. 29 Dyed in the wool.

Down: 2 Offer. 3 Normally. 4 Electric. 5 Fetish. 6 Infamy. 7 Eventuate. 8 Pellucid. 9 Gash. 15 Adversity. 17 Audition. 18 Dispatch. 19 Highbrow. 22 Island. 23 Cavern. 24 Cube. 26 Bingo.

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