The Star Early Edition




1 Something to steer clear of, on the tea table? (4-4)

5 On which one plays games and tries to win (6)

9 Get going when attacked (6,2)

10 The tenant is a man, you understand (6) 12 Tell you gossip will sell (6)

13 Does he fix things so everybody gets a new partner? (8)

15 Continue to be irritating­ly perseverin­g? (4,2,6)

18 Become a little better (4,1,7) 23 Managed, when told to (8)

24 The boldness required to carry it off (6) 26 A panelled courtroom (6)

27 Is derogatory, one finds (4,4)

28 Being smart, put the S in “thirsty” (6) 29 Superfluou­s if you require a smaller quantity (8)


1 Yield the answer (6)

2 The minister, like a mutt, made a meal of it (6)

3 Opening the Indian boy got through (7)

4 I won’t, you say, be aware of it (4)

6 Begin with a look at the outside (4-3) 7 Stop, or pause, before “water” (8) 8 Travelling so, is one in with the animals? (8)

11 Is a wild ape crazy on them? (7)

14 Ran out and was spotted clutching fifty pounds (7)

16 Had gone inside, so we had followed (8) 17 The hint is a clear one (8)

19 The old soldiers’ car damaged the woman’s (7)

20 Revealed the dope had a sex change (7) 21 There’s nothing in the wood or the hollow (6)

22 Attacks one in small ways (6)

25 Bound, of course, for America (4)

Yesterday’s solutions:

Across: 1 Searching. 6 Paled. 9 Latin. 10 Sheepdogs. 11 Spirit-lamp. 12 Cede. 14 Paupers. 15 Draws up. 17 Stencil. 19 Clearer. 20 Ella. 22 Take notice. 25 Slave-ship. 26 Evils.

27 Dread. 28 Stratagem.

Down: 1 Salts. 2 Attribute. 3 Confidence. 4 Insults. 5 Gleamed. 6 Pipe. 7 Loose. 8 Distemper. 13 Malevolent. 14 Possessed. 16 Straining. 18 Leashes. 19 Creeper. 21 Leave. 23 Epsom. 24 Deed.

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