The Star Early Edition

Learner stabbed at tuckshop


THE LIST of criminal incidents in schools since the start of the academic year continues to grow.

In the latest incident, two Grade 7 learners at the Nellie Swart Primary School in Queenswood were involved in a stabbing incident while waiting in line at a tuckshop.

The alleged perpetrato­r has since been suspended pending the investigat­ion of the incident.

The mother of the victim, Patricia Mogane, said she was upset that the incident occurred at 10.20am, but she was only informed after 2pm via an SMS.

“I do not know what I would be saying now if my son was dead or seriously injured and I was not told immediatel­y that he has been stabbed.

“How can a Grade 7 learner bring a knife to school? We see children harm each other at different schools and never think it could happen to your own child.”

The mother said she would be opening a case.

“Schools should be a safe environmen­t. We bring the children here because we want them to be safe and have quality education, not be at risk of dying from a pocket knife.”

Thapelo Rantho, school governing body chairperso­n, said he was only informed in the evening that an incident had occurred.

Rantho said the report given also suggested that the wound “was not serious and only about 1cm deep”.

“I don’t know what they used to evaluate the depth of the wound, or how they got to that conclusion. How do they know the wound is only 1cm? Did they measure? They are not medical practition­ers, but can report the length of a wound?

“We apologise to the mother. We were not informed of the incident. If we were we would have acted better as elected reps by the parents.

“This is a clear case of incompeten­ce and negligence on the side of the educators. I am utterly disappoint­ed, and as the governing body we are distancing ourselves from this situation.”

Rantho said they had since suspended the learner and the final decision on expulsion would be made by the head of department.

“I signed an immediate suspension letter. We will not tolerate ill discipline of any kind in the school.”

The provincial Department of Education had yet to comment.

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