The Star Early Edition




“Bridge is a humbling game,” a club player told me. “I went down in a slam in a team match last night. I thought it was just bad luck — until one of my teammates set me straight.” Against my friend’s six hearts, West led a diamond, killing one of declarer’s dummy entries.

“I took the ace and tried a club to my queen,” South said. “West won and led a trump, and I won in my hand, cashed the ace of clubs and ruffed a club. East overruffed and led his last trump, and I went two down. I shrugged it off, but the slam was cold.”

(Before you read on, decide how you would play six hearts.)

High Spades

South must take the A-K of diamonds, pitching his ace of spades, and next lead the queen of spades for a ruffing finesse. When East plays low, declarer discards a club. West wins and leads another diamond, and South ruffs, draws trumps ending in dummy, and throws his remaining low clubs on the spades.

“As the man with orthopedic shoes said,” South sighed, “‘I stand corrected.’” Daily Question

You hold: ♠ Q J 10 9 5 ♥ K32 ♦ AK4 ♣6 2. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one spade and he bids two clubs. What do you say?

Answer: To blast into 3NT might work, but partner would pass with many hands where four spades or five diamonds would be better. He might hold K 4, 5 4, Q J 10 9 5, A K 7 5. Bid two hearts, a forcing “fourth-suit” call to get more informatio­n. If partner shows a tolerance for spades next, you will bid four spades.

South dealer N-S vulnerable

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