The Star Early Edition

Saving lives by giving oxygen to those who need it


SEVEN years ago, Najibullah Seddiqi closed his oxygen factory, frustrated with power cuts and with rampant corruption that kept him from getting contracts with hospitals.

But as Covid-19 raced through Afghanista­n, he knew he had to help.

“I saw a man crying for his wife who died from coronaviru­s due to lack of oxygen,” Seddiqi said. “That moment I made the decision to reopen my factory.”

Now relatives of Afghans fighting Covid-19 line up at his factory in the capital city of Kabul for free refills that can keep their loved ones alive.

Afghanista­n has struggled with shortages of medical oxygen under the pandemic. The country gets its oxygen cylinders from abroad. Until recently, imports were halted by sealed borders.

Prices for new canisters have skyrockete­d 10-fold, to 20 000 Afghanis (R4 200). With people stockpilin­g as much as they can, the price to refill a canister is now 2000 Afghanis, or R420, five times what it once was. Many accuse retailers of price gouging and the government of failing to ensure a supply.

So Seddiqi’s free service is a godsend for the many poor hit by the virus. Minivans of people bringing cylinders roll in as word of the distributi­on spreads on social media.

“This factory is doing great work offering it for free,” said Bilal Hamidi as he waited on the crumbling concrete floor.

Hamidi said he fills three small cylinders a day for his brother, who was infected while caring for their mother. She died of Covid-19 in early June.

The factory, long idle, is dusty. Parts are run-down. But when Seddiqi reopened the doors to resume production, everything still worked. “I’m happy I didn’t sell these machines,” he said. He hired 12 men, working in two shifts. He even moved in temporaril­y so he’s always on hand: “I’m worried that I go home and someone in intense need comes late at night and doesn’t find anyone to help them.”

His factory refills 200 to 300 small cylinders a day free for Covid-19 patients. For hospitals and retailers, he fills nearly 700 large cylinders a day for 300 Afghanis each, about R65. That’s far cheaper than the going rate but it’s enough to cover his free distributi­on, he said.

Retailers insist they are not jacking up prices. Imports of cylinders from the United Arab Emirates and China stopped for months amid pandemic restrictio­ns. They recently resumed, but “unbalanced supply and demand has caused prices to rise”, said Khanjan Alkozai, a board member at the Afghanista­n Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Afghan media reported last week that several Covid-19 patients died in government hospitals because of a lack of oxygen. The government denied it.

Lawmaker Fatima Aziz, who has been infected by the coronaviru­s, posted a video from her bed, an oxygen tube in her nose. She blamed corruption and government failures. “People lose their life for two drops of oxygen. I curse all the mafias in this business that take advantage.”

The Health Ministry’s deputy spokeswoma­n, Masooma Jafari, said the Health Ministry had ordered oxygen factories to give the health sector priority over industry.

Seddiqi’s factory is one of six in Kabul that produces oxygen – but his is the only one giving free refills.

“My only aim is to save as many lives as I can,” he said. “When the virus spread ends, then I’ll go home.”

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