The Star Early Edition

Social media users reacted to the news of a Mpumalanga mother’s death after saving her child when her boyfriend allegedly set their house on fire



Guys who are violent towards their partners, what goes through your mind? What is the problem? Why opt for violence against women and children who are defenceles­s? This isn’t right.


How does the government police this? Something extraordin­ary has to happen to deprogramm­e a generation of men, like this law enforcemen­t isn’t going to cut it. They can only deal with the aftermath.


How tragic and criminal. We trust justice will be served to honour the memory of this courageous and selfless mother who gave her life for her child.


And so it continues… next is the 16 Days of Activism campaign, women will still be killed like our lives don’t matter. This infuriates me so much. Which organisati­on can I join to become an activist?


This has to stop, we condemn the actions of violence against women. All we do is talk but there’s no action. Until we have an honest conversati­on about the death penalty we are going to keep talking…


How many more women and children will perish at the hands of these men because they know they will be out on R500 bail and carry on with life. We need a hash justice system as a country against these kind of crimes.


Just too horrific. A mother’s last desperate attempt to save her child. As a mother myself, my heart breaks.

@Tafara Masea

I thank God for a rational mind. People are sick out there. How do you perpetrate such a horrific and criminal act?


This really has to stop. We cannot continue to live like this. Something has to give, the government has to step up.


Let me tell you what needs to happen to end this. We need to start punishing criminals and not this nonsense of rehabilita­tion. They do this because they know they won’t be punished.


Fathers really need to lead by example. However, this whole system is broken. No jobs, no money, no hope. It breaks people and sickens society.


Obviously, men don’t respect their sisters, mothers, religion or the justice system. Am sure they only fear death. Anyone ever checked GBV and femicide numbers in countries like Zimbabwe and Rwanda. What sets them apart?

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