The Star Early Edition



Hand evaluation

“I was South,” a fan writes, “and upgraded my hand due to the fivecard suit, three tens and prime values. When partner responded one diamond, I jumped to 2NT. He bid 3NT.”

West led a heart, and my fan took the queen and tried the K-A of diamonds. When no queen fell, she led the eight of clubs to finesse. “West took the king and led the king of hearts,” my fan writes. “I ducked, won the next heart and cashed the ace of clubs. East won the next club, took the queen of diamonds and led a spade, and I won only eight tricks.

“My partner says if I open 1NT, we can stop low. What say you?”

Nine Tricks

South’s hand evaluation was fine. To make 3NT, she leads the ten of diamonds to dummy’s jack at Trick Two. If East wins, South has five diamond tricks and nine in all. If East ducks the first diamond, South lets the eight of clubs ride. Later, she overtakes the king of diamonds with the ace to finesse in clubs again, winning four clubs, two diamonds, two hearts and a spade.

Daily Question You hold:

♠ Q832 ♥ K 10 6 5 2 ♦ 6 4

♣ K 3. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one heart and he bids two clubs. What do you say?

Answer: You cannot rebid the ratty hearts, and a bid of two spades or 2NT would show more strength. Bid two diamonds. Partner suggests longer diamonds than clubs, so that contract will be playable. The problem illustrate­s the folly of opening one diamond, then bidding two clubs on a hand like 9 5, A 3, K 7 3 2, A Q 9 6 4.

South dealer N-S vulnerable

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