The Star Early Edition

Check your traffic fines carefully

- Staff Reporter

JUSTICE Project South Africa (JPSA) has warned vehicle owners to check any speed camera-based traffic fines they receive.

JPSA chair Howard Dembovsky said “capture errors” were causing motorists to be incorrectl­y charged with infringeme­nts and criminal offences.

“In one recent case, a motorist faced a criminal charge because the location of the infringeme­nt was incorrectl­y recorded.”

In that instance, the motorist was on a freeway, travelling at 134km/h in a 120km/h zone and should have received an infringeme­nt notice for exceeding the 120km/h limit by 14km/h. The image shows his vehicle on the freeway. However, the location at which the violation was alleged to have occurred was given as an urban road several kilometres away, in an 80km/h zone.

“Using the incorrect location, the motorist was no longer alleged to have been just 14km/h over the speed limit, but a massive 54km/h over it.

“Exceeding the speed limit by more than 30km/h in an urban area is automatica­lly classified as a criminal offence and triggers a mandatory court appearance.

“For this reason, it is essential that the authoritie­s record the location of an alleged violation correctly, both to prevent spurious criminal charges like in this case, but also to ensure genuine traffic offenders are brought to book.” |

FINANCE Minister Tito Mboweni may have delivered one of the toughest Budgets in the democratic dispensati­on, but he signalled some of the tough choices the government is making to get things back on track.

The debt to GDP has been escalating in the last few years, and is now close to breaching the 90% mark. This is bad news for any country. But Mboweni said that despite the debt being expected to grow from 80% to 88.9%, they would be able to contain it to avoid reaching the 95% that was projected a few months ago.

It means this is an opportunit­y for the government to borrow less. If debt is stabilised at 88.9% in five years, there is hope that more money could be saved for critical projects.

Debt stabilisat­ion has been one of the serious concerns of the markets and opposition parties over the years.

Debt service costs are now the fastest-growing expenditur­e items in the Budget after education and social security. Mboweni said that good tax collection had enabled the fiscus to balance the books.

When he assumed office almost three years ago, Mboweni said national debt must not exceed 30% of GDP. If that happened it would be a recipe for disaster.

South Africa has over the past few years been warned to manage its public purse prudently and to cut the frills.

The increase in debt has, however, been hampering efforts to rein-in expenditur­e and other cuts to manage public finances.

If the country borrows less it would be able to save some of the cash for some of the necessary projects including fixing dilapidate­d schools, upscaling infrastruc­ture projects and creating more employment opportunit­ies for the youth.

But Mboweni is also sitting with another headache – of dealing with the public sector unions after he announced that he would trim the wage bill by R300 billion in the next three years. This comes with another issue still on the table. The unions are still fighting the wage freeze of 2018.

Mboweni said Public Service and Administra­tion Minister Senzo Mchunu would negotiate with the unions on the new agreement.

These are tough times and Mboweni is trying to find a balance.

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