The Star Early Edition

Responses of the Spokespers­on of the Chinese Embassy in South Africa to China-related Report in The Star


We noted that on February 26, The Star published a reader’s letter named “We must not ignore genocide” in the column of “Your view” . The Chinese Embassy in South Africa expressed strong dissatisfa­ction and firm opposition to this letter, which grossly distorts and misinterpr­ets China’s governing policies and achievemen­ts in Xinjiang.

There has never been any “genocide” in Xinjiang, nor such things as systematic­al restrictio­ns on the religious, cultural, and social practices of Uyghurs and other Turkic minorities in China. The Uyghur population in Xinjiang grew from 5.55 million to 12.71 million, which means the Uyghur population in Xinjiang more than doubled over the past four decades. From 2010 to 2018, the Uyghur population increased by 25.04%. This increment is not only higher than the 13.99% increase of Xinjiang’s entire population, but also higher than the average 22.14% increase in the ethnic minorities population. It is also much higher than the 2% increase of Xinjiang’s ethnic Han population. Xinjiang protects the freedom of religious belief for all ethnic groups in the region in accordance with law. There are more than 24,000 mosques in Xinjiang, and that’s one mosque for every 530 Muslims on average. The native languages of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are widely used in Xinjiang’s education, justice, administra­tion, and social and public affairs. Uyghur language are printed on China’s RMB banknotes. Xinjiang attaches great importance to the protection and developmen­t of the fine traditiona­l cultures of all ethnic groups. The art of Xinjiang Uyghur Muqam, among others, has been included in the UNESCO Representa­tive List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Xinjiang has never had any so-called “re-education camps”. The vocational training centers set up in Xinjiang in accordance with laws are schools in nature which are used to counter terrorism and radicaliza­tion. This is also a common practice adopted by the internatio­nal community to combat violence and terrorism. France and the United States have also establishe­d similar institutio­ns. Xinjiang’s counter-terrorism and deradicali­zation measures have achieved positive results. There have been no violent terrorist cases for over four consecutiv­e years in the region. The vocational training centers offered a curriculum that included standard spoken and written Chinese language, understand­ing of the law and training in vocational skills to achieve the goal of de-radicaliza­tion. By October 2019, all the trainees in such centers had completed their studies and graduated, and most of them have found stable jobs and lived a peaceful life.You can check it out through the following website, if you are willing to learn more about the personal experience of these trainees: mfa_eng/wjbxw/t1854674.shtml. Over the past years, more than 1,200 diplomats, journalist­s and religious believers from over 100 countries visited Xinjiang , seeing with their own eyes a region enjoying stability and prosperity. They all spoke highly of Xinjiang’s counter-terrorism and de-radicaliza­tion experience, which can offer insights for others. China already extended invitation to the UN High Commission­er for Human Rights to visit Xinjiang and other places in China. In addition, the letter also mentioned UN members’ statement at the UNGA Third Committee last October, saying that what China has done in Xinjiang was condemned by 39 UN member states. But the fact is that more than 70 countries supported and echoed China’s position during the meeting, and 48 countries signed a joint statement to speak up for China on Xinjiangre­lated issues. They expressed their full understand­ing and support for China’s just position on Xinjiang-related issues, spoke highly of the measures taken by Xinjiang in accordance with laws to address the threat of terrorism and extremism, protect the human rights of people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and oppose groundless accusation­s and interferen­ce in China’s internal affairs. The attempt of a few western countries to smear China on Xinjiang-related issues once again ended in disgracefu­l failure.

Facts have proved that the so-called “genocide” is nothing but a political lie made up by anti-China separatist­s in Western countries. Recently, Muslim countries such as Pakistan, the European Union and Japan have expressed their opposition to the hyping-up of “genocide”. The AU has made it clear that China’s policies in Xinjiang are correct and effective, and that it supports China’s efforts to defend national sovereignt­y.

Rumors stop with the wise and justice will prevail. Telling and spreading the truth is the duty and profession­al ethics of any reputable media organizati­on. South African media are welcome to report on and present a true and objective picture of China, and we are firmly opposed to any form of disinforma­tion.

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