The Star Early Edition

Finding lasting, true joy


WE ALL have had different kinds of tests and trials in our lives, especially within the past year with the Covd19 pandemic affecting everyone, in one way or another. We often wonder whether one can remain positive and happy even when we go through hard times, and how does one attain lasting joy.

According to the Bahá'í Writings, “happiness consists of two kinds; physical and spiritual. The physical happiness is limited; its utmost duration is one day, one month, one year… Spiritual happiness is eternal and unfathomab­le. This kind of happiness appeareth in one’s soul with the love of God and suffereth one to attain to the virtues and perfection­s of the world of humanity”.

Happiness is being filled with joy, peace, love and a sense of well-being. Joy is the inner sense that can carry us through the hard times. We all go through times of joy and sorrow. But when we look for the reasons for our sadness, we see that the sorrow and the grief come from the world of matter. The spiritual world imparts only joy. True and lasting joy is, therefore, closely related to spirituali­ty.

As the Bahá'í Writings state: “The trials which beset our every step, all our sorrow, pain, shame and grief, are born in the world of matter; whereas the spiritual Kingdom never causes sadness. A man living with his thoughts in this Kingdom knows perpetual joy. The ills all flesh is heir to do not pass him by, but they only touch the surface of his life, the depths are calm and serene… If material anxiety envelops you in a dark cloud, spiritual radiance lightens your path. Verily, those whose minds are illumined by the Spirit of the Most High have supreme consolatio­n.”

The reason for physical solutions not resulting in lasting joy is because they fail to fulfil the basic purpose of our existence. The purpose of our lives is not just to acquire material objects, to be entertaine­d or to satisfy our physical desires.

We have two aspects in our lives, material and spiritual. Material means are necessary during our earthly life – that is only a small part of a life that is eternal – because “when the body dies the soul lives on”, as confirmed in the Bahá'í Writings.

The body can be compared to a vehicle which is being used by the soul for its journey through this earthly life. As such, it is important to cater for the needs of both the body (the vehicle) and the soul (the driver).

Material means are necessary for humanity to be able to pursue its spiritual and other goals. Our spiritual side, referred to as the soul, seeks to know and love, it is touched by awe and splendour, and holds to that which is eternal and good. It is our spiritual side that exhibits attributes such as truthfulne­ss, courtesy, generosity, compassion, justice, love, and trustworth­iness, which are essential for individual and social transforma­tion and lead to lasting happiness.

True joy can be attained by means of praying to God and by acting in accordance with His teachings. The Bahá'í Writings state: “When one supplicate­s to his Lord, turns to Him and seeks bounty from His Ocean, this supplicati­on brings light to his heart, illuminati­on to his sight, life to his soul and exaltation to his being.”

Another source of true joy is serving humanity and bringing joy to others. “What pleasure can compare the pleasure of bringing joy and hope to other hearts. The more we make others happy the greater will be our own happiness and the deeper our sense of having served humanity.”

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