The Star Early Edition




Christophe­r Columbus first learns about growing and harvesting maize – South Africa’s staple food – from the natives of Cuba.

1605 Catholic rebel Guy Fawkes attempts to blow up protestant King James I and the British parliament by placing barrels of gunpowder beneath the House of Parliament in London. When the plot is discovered, Fawkes is tortured and executed along with seven others. The day has been celebrated ever since as Guy Fawkes Day, at which his effigy is traditiona­lly burned on a bonfire, accompanie­d by fireworks.

1799 The 64-gun ship Sceptre is wrecked in Table Bay and 300 lives are lost.

1908 The Cullinan diamond is cut into two big stones, The Star of Africa and the Cullinan 2, as well as seven big and 96 smaller stones. 1917 Russian revolution­ary Lenin calls for the October Revolution. 1935 The Parker Brothers launch the game of Monopoly.

1937 Adolf Hitler tells his military leaders in secret of his intentions of going to war.

1940 The British armed merchant cruiser HMS Jervis Bay is sunk by the German pocket battleship Admiral Scheer.

1940 Franklin D Roosevelt is the first and only president of the US to be elected to a third term, and later for a fourth time. 1969 The Springbok rugby tour of the

UK is disrupted by an anti-apartheid demonstrat­ion.

1975 Cuban soldiers and Russian military equipment arrive in Luanda, Angola, while SA is clandestin­ely supporting Unita. When SA realises that the US does not support its operation, troops are withdrawn.

2006 Saddam Hussein, the former president of Iraq, is sentenced to death for the massacre of the 148 Shias in 1982.

2009 Major Nidal Malik Hasan murders 13 colleagues and wounds 32 at Fort Hood, Texas. 2015 An iron ore tailings dam bursts in Brazil, flooding a valley, causing mudslides in a village and at least 17 deaths.

2018 Nasa’s Voyager 2 probe leaves the solar system, becoming the second humanmade object to reach interstell­ar space. |


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