The Star Early Edition




The King of Siam used to give a white elephant to any courtier who annoyed him. The poor courtier was stuck with an animal that was costly to maintain but he dared not get rid of: It was a gift from the king, after all, and white elephants were revered as mystical.

In today’s deal, West led a spade against four hearts, and East took the ace and returned the deuce: queen, king. West then led the jack.

South ruffed and had to avoid a diamond loser. He took the top clubs and ruffed dummy’s last club before leading a trump. As it happened, West had no safe exit when he won. If he led a spade, South would ruff in dummy and pitch a diamond.

Making Four

So West tried leading the queen of diamonds, but South went right: He won with the king and led to his ten. Making four.

West needed to unload his white elephant. He had no reason to think the defense had a chance for two trump tricks. If West takes his ace of trumps at Trick Three, then leads a spade, South loses a diamond.

Daily Question

You hold: ♠ Q8 ♥ K J 10 7 6 2 ♦ A 10 7 ♣ A 5. Your partner opens one spade, you respond two hearts, he bids three clubs and you rebid three hearts. Partner raises to four hearts. What do you say?

Answer: Partner’s three clubs was a “high reverse” and shows extra strength. His support of your hearts suggests that he has a singleton diamond, making your ace an ideal card. A grand slam is possible. Cuebid five diamonds, planning to cuebid your ace of clubs next.

South dealer

Both sides vulnerable

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