The Star Early Edition




1 Skull of a vertebrate (7)

7 Army recruit (6)

8 Pirate (7)

9 Unwanted emails (4)

10 Bygone (4)

12 Any loud booming sound (7)

14 Small ornament (7)

16 Cheese with a red rind (4)

18 Avoiding work (4)

20 Sign for a public display (7)

21 Frozen spike (6)

22 Ship from the 15th to 18th centuries (7)


1 Pilot’s compartmen­t (7)

2 Land measures (5)

3 Country next to Iraq (4)

4 Ideal future husband (2,5) 5 Bunkum (8)

6 Concluding part (6)

11 Inclinatio­n (8)

12 Camping equipment item (4,3) 13 Muslim fast (7)

15 Make smaller in size or number (6) 17 Male duck (5)

19 Social function for dancing (4)

 ?? ??

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