The Star Early Edition




3 Only this, red, broken piece of china (6-4)

8 It removes the outside fuzz (6)

9 Tries – and it works (4) 10 After it shuts, have a near disaster (5,5)

11 He’s got past 499 (3) 13 A crack rifleman (4) 14 A man on both ends to guard the city (7)

15 To tow back, charge (4)

17 So bright it will hurt (5) 20 Slim got caught first, but was unarmed (5) 22 Sinks with the silver aboard (4)

24 Weave spells that one Chinese in ten will weave (7)

25 Returning with a rise list (4)

27 A goose, or what tells you one is angry (3) 28 Getting on, but fighting when there’s money about (7,3) 29 Dress and a mantle (4)

30 For once, the new temp. is not included (6) 31 The thing tears badly when you flatten in out (10)


1 The dog is a male, shy but frisky (8)

2 Points the fool out, for the press (6)

3 Spruced up, hurry into bed (7)

4 Prescribe something specially nice for? (5) 5 Move from the brink (4) 6 For example, a trendy attitude (8)

7 Will help one to alight (4,4)

12 He stands about and I get cold (4)

14 Stick with Joe, the weight lifter (4)

16 Pause to get your balance (4)

17 Standing up, “15” lays about the officials (8) 18 Can set store, anyhow by an earlier family member (8)

19 The duck, with the open “21,” gets free (4) 21 Mount up and run after the creature (8) 23 Tried hard to get upright among the tangled vines (7) 25 George, initially, was furious about being teased (6)

26 Say “Here’s to you, kid,” when inside (5) 28 Go for the mob (4)

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