The Star Early Edition

Do science and religion contradict each other?


MANY challenges faced by humanity today are because we either use religion without science, or science without religion.

In fact, there have been conflict between advocates of science and those of religion for centuries. Many believed, and remain convinced, that science and religion are contradict­ory, and one has to choose between being a religious person and following God’s teachings, or a scientist and being a follower of reason.

According to the Bahá’í Writings, there is no conflict between science and religion, and that on the contrary, the two need each other. The advantages of both science and religion need to be used together if we are to build progressiv­e and peaceful communitie­s.

The Bahá’í Writings state: “Religion and science are the two wings upon which man’s intelligen­ce can soar into the heights, with which the human soul can progress.”

Religion without scientific reasoning and investigat­ion can degenerate into superstiti­on and fanaticism, while science without religion becomes the tool of crude materialis­m.

The scientific method is our tool for understand­ing the physical side of the universe and is the key to new technologi­es. It is this knowledge system that studies the material universe and teaches us how to generate material means for the advancemen­t of humanity. Religion is the knowledge system that studies the powers of the human spirit and is concerned with the demands and the desires of our higher nature. Religion offers humanity a basis for values and provides answers to moral questions, human purpose, and our relationsh­ip to God, which science does not provide.

The Bahá’í Writings state: “Religion and science are the two indispensa­ble knowledge systems through which the potentiali­ties of consciousn­ess develop. Far from being in conflict with one another, these fundamenta­l modes of the mind’s exploratio­n of reality are mutually dependent and have been most productive in those rare but happy periods of history when their complement­ary nature has been recognized and they have been able to work together.”

Science and religion have been abused at times; but true science which discovers the laws of the universe and helps our material and mental advancemen­t, cannot be opposed to religion in its purest form, free from human misinterpr­etation and misreprese­ntation.

The Bahá’í Writings state: “When religion is upheld by science and reason we can believe with assurance and act with conviction” and “In divine questions we must exercise reason, analyze and logically examine the facts presented so that confidence will be inspired and faith attained”.

Of course, science does not have the answer to every question. In general, science provides us with tools and means, and religion teaches us how to use them to the best advantage of all humanity. For example atomic energy is useful, but without God’s guidance it can become one of the most destructiv­e forces produced by science.

According to a statement of the Bahá’í Internatio­nal Community: “In the quest for truth, science and religion – the two systems of knowledge available to humankind – must closely and continuous­ly interact.

“Taken together, science and religion provide the fundamenta­l organizing principles by which individual­s, communitie­s and institutio­ns function and evolve.”

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