The Star Late Edition



Q What is it? Discovered by Marie Curie in the 19th century, polonium is a highly radioactiv­e element, rarely found outside the military and scientific establishm­ent. The isotope detected on Yasser Arafat’s personal belongings – polonium 210 – occurs naturally in small concentrat­ions in the environmen­t. But high doses of the radioactiv­e substance, which emits radiation in the form of alpha particles, can damage tissues and organs. These cannot pass through the skin, and to pose a danger polonium must be taken into the body, for example by eating it or breathing its radiation. Q Has it been used to poison people before? Polonium hit the headlines in 2006, when it was used to kill the former Russian spy turned Kremlin critic Alexander Litvinenko. He died in November that year after falling ill in London. Subsequent tests found traces of radiation at various locations in London, and eventually linked Litvinenko’s death to the presence of a large dose of polonium 210 in his body. Q How was Yasser Arafat linked to polonium? Samples of clothes worn by the late Palestinia­n leader soon before he fell ill were sent to a Swiss laboratory this year by the Al Jazeera television network, in co-operation with his widow and daughter. Scientists at the lab in Lausanne went on to discover significan­t traces of the radioactiv­e element on his belongings. – The Independen­t ARBER Mohammed Hamad is in no doubt about the reasons for Yasser Arafat’s death eight years ago. As he trims a customer’s hair in his shop in the Amari refugee camp, he welcomes the news that French prosecutor­s have opened a murder investigat­ion. And he insists that “99.9 percent of people” in the city where the previous Palestinia­n president was confined in his sandbagged headquarte­rs for the final two years of his life “believe Abu Ammar” – he uses Arafat’s nom de guerre – “was murdered, poisoned”.

While strongly suspecting that the actual deed was perpetrate­d by a Palestinia­n with regular access to Arafat, Hamad, 44, is equally certain that Israel and its then-prime minister, Ariel Sharon, were behind it. “Arafat refused at Camp David [in 2000] to sign a peace agreement which left [Jerusalem’s] al-Aqsa [mosque] under the control of Israel. Sharon wants to control Jerusalem, east and west. He wants to get rid of Abu Ammar. He accused him of starting the intifada and controllin­g the alAqsa Martyrs’ Brigades.”

Just one barber’s view, of course. But what is disconcert­ing for all those who regard the accusation that Israel covertly assassinat­ed Arafat as belonging on the wilder shores of conspiracy theory is how widely it is shared among levelheade­d Palestinia­ns, from the West Bank streets to some of the upper reaches of their leadership.

Arafat’s widow, Suha, said recently that French investigat­ors would visit the West Bank to dig up the remains of her husband. Arafat died in France in November 2004, and although the immediate cause of death was given as a stroke, many considered his death to be mysterious.

Poison has always been a dominant conspiracy theory and since a Swiss lab made public the news that it had discovered the deadly radioactiv­e isotope polonium 210 on items of clothing that apparently belonged to Arafat, those conspiraci­es have escalated. The lab’s discovery emerged in July, and then Suha, who is now a French citizen, approached the French authoritie­s about opening a crime investigat­ion.

Qaddoura Fares, the respected senior Fatah official now responsibl­e for the welfare of the 4 500 Palestinia­n prisoners in Israeli prisons, is a long-time advocate of peace negotiatio­ns on a two-state solution.

Yet he, too, appears convinced, in the face of repeated denials by Israel, that a

Bpresident he knew well was murdered on the orders of a prime minister who had a personal history of enmity with him going back more than 20 years, and who persistent­ly depicted him as an “obstacle to peace”.

Sharon, he says, understood well that Arafat was a uniquely unifying leader for the Palestinia­ns and as a “militant leader” himself “the Israeli PM knew that the [second] intifada would not have happened without a green light from [Arafat]”.

Now that the suspicion that he was poisoned has been revived by the identifica­tion of traces of deadly polonium on the clothes handed to investigat­ors from the Al Jazeera television channel by Suha, Fares says the Israeli authoritie­s had every reason to ensure that he died as if from natural causes.

“They didn’t want him to die as a symbol. They didn’t want to make him a martyr. They could easily have shot him if they wanted to.”

Around the time in September 2003 when, in the aftermath of a double suicide bombing on a single day, Israel’s cabinet took a non-specific and apparently unfulfille­d decision to “remove” Arafat from his Muqata compound in Ramallah, Fares thinks Israel considered several options: continued isolation, deportatio­n, arrest and arraignmen­t before a military court – and assassinat­ion.

Dismissive of the Palestinia­n Authority’s ability to investigat­e the death itself, Fares says the French investigat­ion certainly looks more “credible” and that it will at least ensure that “the issue will be alive, and that it will go on chasing the Israelis”.

Still in the coma triggered by the massive stroke that felled him in early 2006, Sharon cannot answer the charges himself.

But while acknowledg­ing Arafat’s status as “one of Israel’s worst enemies”, Sharon’s closest lieutenant and former bureau chief Dov Weisglass rebutted them in some detail on Army Radio last month.

“We did not physically hurt him when Arafat was in his prime… so all the more so we had no interest in this kind of activity when he was politicall­y sidelined,” he said.

Weisglass described having dinner with Javier Solana when the then-EU foreign policy chief took a call from Ahmed Qureia, the Palestinia­n prime minister, asking whether Israel would allow the ailing president to be transferre­d to a Ramallah hospital. Weisglass called Sharon, who immediatel­y granted the request. He did the same the following day when Solana told Weisglass that Palestinia­n doctors now said Arafat was very ill and needed treatment in Europe.

And Raanan Gissin, Sharon’s longstandi­ng spokesman, told the Associated Press that, as the intifada continued, Israeli officials repeatedly raised the option of assassinat­ing Arafat but Sharon always rejected it. Israel “never touched a hair on his head”, he said. “The idea was not to kill Arafat, but to change the Palestinia­n leadership.”

But this is anyway not just about Israel. Even many Palestinia­ns believe that if it is ever establishe­d that Arafat was assassinat­ed, the truth could make uncomforta­ble reading in sections of the Palestinia­n leadership, given that inside help would almost certainly have been needed to reach a heavily guarded president whose food was always prudently shared with others.

Fares, for his part, is certainly not attributin­g blame to anyone while soberly accepting that any inquiry would have to consider – among much else – the possibilit­y that a Palestinia­n or Palestinia­ns might have been involved.

Saying that all Palestinia­ns need to give the French prosecutor­s whatever help they request, he points out the incriminat­ing consequenc­es of not doing so.

“If I am asked to go to Paris and be questioned, and I refuse, then I might as well kill myself,” he says. Fares’s hope is that the French investigat­ion will somehow begin to find real answers to the questions still swirling here about Arafat’s final, fatal illness.

“Ninety percent of Palestinia­ns believe he was murdered, and 10 percent that he died of natural causes,” he says. “Even if the 10 percent are right, we need to get to the truth.” – The Independen­t

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