The Star Late Edition

SA’S cars among cleanest in world


RECENT snap survey conducted by BP Ultimate has revealed that South African cars could could be among the cleanest in the world.

The survey, which drew almost a thousand responses from male and female drivers across the country, indicates that around 96 percent of SA motorists take pride in the appearance of their cars. Close to eight in ten respondent­s said they clean their cars at least once a week, while just 2 percent confessed to cleaning their cars just once a year.

This translates into roughly 164 000 dirty vehicles among the total of 8.2 million on our roads.

A similar study in the US found that 16 percent of Americans never wash their cars, and that just over half of the 138 million registered vehicle there are dirty.

The locally conducted poll also revealed that drivers from the Northern Cape have the cleanest cars, with nine in ten drivers

Awashing their cars at least every week compared to only six out of every ten motorists in the Western Cape who wash their cars weekly.

It was also interestin­g to note that there is little discrepanc­y between SA’s wealthier and poorer drivers when it comes to car cleanlines­s.

The survey showed that wealthier motorists are in fact not too posh to wash with over 78 percent of those occupying senior managerial posts saying they readily get out the bucket and sponge to clean their cars.

Drivers who are less wellheeled are just as proud with 75 percent of those in lower positions saying they are not prepared to drive a dirty vehicle for longer than a week.

 ??  ?? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
 ??  ?? South Africans have a fetish about cleaning their cars says a BP survey.
South Africans have a fetish about cleaning their cars says a BP survey.

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