The Star Late Edition

Cricket South Africa takes a stand over ICC’s new draft proposal

- STUART HESS the first of the ICC’s

CRICKET South Africa last night called on the Internatio­nal Cricket Council “to withdraw the draft proposal,” that would ostensibly place the leadership of the internatio­nal game in the hands of three boards.

Cricket SA is members to publicly come out against the proposals raised in a paper presented at an ICC Board meeting on January 9 describing them as “fundamenta­lly flawed” and “in breach of the ICC Constituti­on”.

The draft paper essentiall­y outlines a new structure for the ICC under the auspices of the England and Wales Cricket Board, Cricket Australia and the Board of Control for Cricket in India. According to one report, presentati­on of the paper came as a surprise and has left many boards shocked, as it places the power for running the game in the hands of authoritie­s in England, India and Australia.

Cricket SA’s decision follows a joint session of organisati­on’s Board of Directors and the Members’ Forum. “Without ad- dressing the merits of the proposal insofar as it concerns Constituti­onal amendments and changes to ICC competitio­ns, these proposals should first be referred to the relevant ICC committees or sub-committees for proper considerat­ion and to make recommenda­tions to the ICC Board,” wrote CSA President, Chris Nenzani, in a letter to ICC President, Mr. Alan Isaac.

Most worrying is the proposed funding model which would see the three countries collect the highest proportion of revenues from ICC events – the BCCI for instance because it brings in the most revenue (a result of the bigger market in that country) would earn some 70 percent of income from the next World Cup if the proposals are accepted.

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