The Star Late Edition

Future as premier unclear

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When contacted for comment last night, Selfe would not be drawn on the finer details of the decision to suspend Zille.

Asked what would happen to Zille as she was a DA deployee in the Western Cape government, Selfe said: “We don’t do deployment­s. We nominate a person we want to serve as a premier and the voters of Western Cape elect the person. That is why her (Zille) position as premier remains unaffected.”

Selfe referred questions to the Federal Legal Commission (FLC) in the event she is found guilty of bringing the party into disrepute.

The FLC, although independen­t, recommends to the Fedex and can have their decisions overturned, as was the case with former youth leader Mbali Ntuli. The body found there was no case against her but the Fedex proceeded to charge Ntuli over liking a Facebook post that called Zille a racist.

DA Western Cape acting leader Bonginkosi Madikizela, a staunch Zille supporter, said: “She’s still a member of the party, the premier and still our caucus leader. She is only suspended from partaking in party activities such as attending meetings.”

Political analyst Ralph Mathekga said the DA was being inconsiste­nt.

“In our electoral we don’t directly vote for the premier. People voted for the DA and she carries the party’s mandate,” he said.

“If the party says she is suspended from party political duties but stays on as premier, what does that mean? Does that mean she is not good enough for the party but good for the country? Are they then saying they are leaving it to members of the legislatur­e to pass a motion of no confidence against her?”

Nelson Mandela Metropolit­an University political science lecturer and PhD candidate Ongama Mtimka said while Zille may be right about raising questions about the due process followed “that shows she cares more about her survival than she does about the party and its prospects going into 2019”.

Meanwhile, Mogale City DA mayor Michael Holenstein was removed after a secret ballot on a motion of no confidence tabled against him by ANC councillor­s yesterday.

The ANC lost control of the West Rand municipali­ty following the elections last year.

It had reportedly accused the DA of being hypocrites for its earlier failed attempt to oppose the no confidence motion against Holenstein through secret ballot.

The DA wants the motion of no confidence against President Jacob Zuma in Parliament to be conducted through a secret ballot.

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