The Star Late Edition

Dark season of lunacy

- Buccleuch, Sandton

WHEN felons govern, regression is inevitable. May 12 2009 sounded the inaugurati­on of a despot forced upon us by the ruling party.

He will be remembered as the human wreckingba­ll who tried in vain to accomplish in his eight years of office, that which took Mugabe decades.

Thank goodness we have less than six months before this menace (think Angolan Dos Santos) will be removed as leader and little over year before they will be exiled into the political wilderness where they will be pursued for every wrong they have inflicted on the people of this country.

Like Hammanskra­al became too small for “weekend special” Des, so too will South Africa be to all those who fed from the trough of corruption and self-fulfilment.

What a roller-coaster ride this has been. Down goes the value of the currency (60%), along with our internatio­nal rating and ethical standing. And up goes our unemployme­nt (28%), social grant recipients (9 million), household debt and blatant instances of corruption.

The fact that every action or strategy of this desperate government is found wanting and unconstitu­tional as the lost court cases epitomise, speaks volumes as to the dearth of proper leadership and skill in the ruling party.

When its national executive committee cowered to the threat of the new Dubai citizenshi­p holder, I shivered, not in fear but in anger.

They had willingly become complacent to the deeds of a man who has been exposed to be a criminal in the league of that of Idi Amin. This is not an “African thing” which is being committed but it is immoral.

I refuse to accept that the people of this great country will allow it to endure. I appeal to political aspirants to earnestly deliver the citizenry with a suitable alternativ­e.

As South Africans we do not deserve to be “trumped” into a new era of social injustice and criminalit­y as is the current state of the nation.

As a people we must believe that we shall overcome this dark season of absolute lunacy. Darryl van Aswegen

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