The Star Late Edition

Third party theory in CBD trashing


PIKITUP continues spending R50000 a day in cleaning up the streets of the Joburg inner city as the trashing by disgruntle­d, former Jozi@ Work contractor­s continues into its second week.

Worst-hit areas are the Joburg CBD, including Joubert Park.

Pikitup spokespers­on Muzi Mkhwanazi accused former workers, whose three-month contract ended at the end of August, of continuing to trash the city.

The new programme, called the Community Upliftment Programme, which will hire workers directly, has not yet kicked off.

The Jozi@Work was designed to offer three-monthlong employment to workers. However, the city recently discontinu­ed the project, saying millions of rand in commission were being spent on “middlemen” who hired the workers. It said the city would hire these cleaners directly, eliminatin­g the commission.

Since the beginning of the month, workers have been vandalisin­g city property, looting shops, assaulting Pikitup employees, and threatenin­g and harassing people.

Pikitup workers and trucks, removing refuse in the Joburg CBD, are being accompanie­d by Joburg metro police department vehicles.

Last week, the managing director of Pikitup, Lungile Dhlamini, said former Jozi@ Work employees had been on the rampage for the past week, after demands for permanent employment were rejected.

Dhlamini said an additional R49.2 million had been allocated to Pikitup to extend the programme.

He had reason to believe this criminal behaviour was organised by a third party, he added, as “we have seen footage showcasing how these individual­s are systematic­ally dropped off at various locations”.

The utility, he said, was working with policing authoritie­s to identify the owners of these vehicles in order to lay criminal charges against those responsibl­e for disruption­s to services and damage to property, he said.


Workers have been vandalisin­g city property

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