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UK Labour activist told not to report rape


LONDON: An activist in Britain’s opposition Labour Party said she was raped at an event when she was 19, and that a party official discourage­d her from reporting the attack to avoid damaging her career.

The disclosure by Bex Bailey, 25, is the most serious to emerge from a wave of allegation­s of sexual misconduct by men that have swept through British politics in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who has ordered an investigat­ion into the allegation, said Bailey was not given support from the party when she reported what had happened.

“Bex Bailey has shown incredible bravery by talking publicly about what has happened to her and has my full support and solidarity,” he said on his Facebook page. “There will be no tolerance in the Labour Party for sexism, harassment or abuse. Whatever it takes, we are absolutely committed to rooting it out.”

A party spokesman said: “We would strongly recommend that the police investigat­e the allegation­s of criminal actions that Bex Bailey has made.”

Bailey told BBC radio on Tuesday that she was raped in 2011 by someone in the party who was senior to her. She said she had tried to pretend it hadn’t happened and had not reported it to police at the time.

“I was scared. I felt ashamed. I know that the Labour Party, like any family, loves a good gossip, and I didn’t want people to know and I also was worried that I wouldn’t be believed if I did,” she said.

Two years later, she told a senior party staff member, and it was suggested to her that she should not report it as it might damage her if she did.

Prime Minister Theresa May has ordered investigat­ions into two of her ministers after allegation­s were made against them. Her deputy Damian Green denies making an advance on a woman 30 years his junior, while junior trade minister Mark Garnier has said he was being humorous when he asked his assistant to buy sex toys for him. – Reuters

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