The Star Late Edition



LAST WEEKEND, I saw A Bad Moms Christmas, the sequel to the 2016 movie Bad Moms, about the overworked, selfsacrif­icing mom trope.

Early in the film, bad mom Amy Mitchell (Mila Kunis) tells her mother that instead of trying to create the perfect holiday, she plans to enjoy the season.

Her mom, Ruth, disagrees and responds by shouting, “Moms don’t enjoy, they give joy”.

These words highlight how parenting culture has shifted, focusing more on mothering than on motherhood. In fact, parenting wasn’t a recognised word in the dictionary until the 1950s, becoming more widely used by the 1970s.

Because of this change, many of today’s parents view successful child-rearing as a task, which implies we can always do more for our kids and families. And if there’s one time of year when we feel responsibl­e to provide happiness for everyone, it’s the holiday season.

Every Christmas, I feel pressure to make the holiday memorable for my child. To avoid the busyness of Black Friday, I start shopping after Halloween and organise festive activities for the holiday season, buying tickets to Christmas plays, scheduling ice-skating, and sending out invitation­s for our annual party.

Yet, in the midst of “giving joy”, I also find aspects of the holidays stressful. Because like many moms, taking care of everything and everyone leaves me weary.

As mothers, it can be challengin­g to balance self-care and family responsibi­lities, but research suggests there may be a psychologi­cal downside to always taking care of others, even family members. In fact, according to a recent study, just like business profession­als and first responders, mothers can face burnout.

In a survey of more than 2 000 parents, researcher­s in Belgium found mothers and fathers could suffer from parenting burnout. Of the parents surveyed, almost 13% reported feeling exhausted in their parenting roles. The study authors also discovered that burnout affected more mothers than fathers.

Burnout can affect one’s emotional and physical well-being, causing feelings of inadequacy, resentment and detachment from family and work life.

According to psychologi­st Sheryl Ziegler, signs of mommy burnout include forgetfuln­ess, tearfulnes­s, irritabili­ty, escape fantasies, and resentment of a partner and other moms perceived as having more freedom.

“In essence, instead of enjoying motherhood, these moms begin to dread the demands of parenting. Because they have nothing left to give, they can withdraw from their children, experienci­ng them as a source of stress,” Ziegler says.

She adds that mothers, especially, are more likely to feel tapped out during the holiday season, when financial and family stress can reach an all-time high.

Deep exhaustion can also affect fathers, partners, and other caregivers. Left unaddresse­d, symptoms of burnout may linger long after the holidays are over, leading to depression, anxiety disorders and physical illnesses such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

How can parents (especially moms) avoid burnout during the holidays?

According to the American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n, holiday stress can be more intense for women because they do most of the shopping, baking and decorating.

Because of the added workload, women are more likely than men to have trouble relaxing, causing them to rely on unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as overeating and drinking alcohol.

Hoping to create the most magical time of the year, many moms also sacrifice exercise to take care of the extra duties.

Unfortunat­ely, ignoring one’s

HELP! Today’s moms are burning out trying to be perfect parents.

needs for others and neglecting selfcare can lead to burnout, especially for overachiev­ing, perfection­ist moms. But even though holiday stress is inevitable, mothers can prevent fatigue by relying on friends and family for support.

“Moms are notoriousl­y terrible at asking for help. Often, we expect our partners and family members to be mind readers, anticipati­ng our needs. But mothers can bypass this frustratio­n by delegating tasks before things feel out of hand,” says Ziegler.

To create a more peaceful holiday, she recommends reaching out to family, friends and neighbours to co-ordinate childcare swops, giving you extra time to shop and wrap gifts.

To avoid endless hours of cooking, she suggests organising a pot luck or ordering holiday meals from a local grocery store.

And before filling the December calendar with multiple parties, baking and shopping, try to be realistic about what’s doable. Ziegler says mothers can avoid the holiday haze by creating a to-do list and ranking tasks by importance.

Finally, even if it feels impossible to focus on self-care, it’s vital for mothers to nurture themselves by taking walks, talking to close friends and asking for help when they feel overwhelme­d.

Partners can help prevent burnout by learning to recognise signs of stress, such as insomnia, moodiness and low self-esteem. – The Washington Post

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