The Star Late Edition

Budget will not aid transforma­tion


THE finance minister’s recent Budget raises many concerns in the light of the ANC’s recent pronouncem­ents regarding radical economic transforma­tion and the equality-inequality gap.

The increase in VAT will directly and indirectly impact on the poorer sections of our citizenry.

Apart from having to pay more for goods and services, the poor who have to commute daily will be hard hit by the increase of 52 cents on the petrol levy as transport organisati­ons will pass on the increase to commuters who are already hard-pressed.

Many South Africans, especially blacks, who are fast ascending the socio-economic ladder, will find their aims to improve their lifestyles suffering a cruel blow.

The price of cars will increase by a whopping seven percent as will appliances, services, etc.

Because of the generous perks for both vehicles and fuel – ministers, their deputies and senior government officials will not feel the serious effects of the fuel hike – so they continue to ignore the effects on the daily lives of citizens.

In his first step, President Cyril Ramaphosa shows that economic transforma­tion under an ANC-led government is a myth.

By providing a Budget which is anti-poor, the equality-inequality gap will never be narrowed, proving that the government is merely paying lip service to the issue of transforma­tion.

Directly or indirectly industry such as the motor federation and other manufactur­ing houses will suffer losses and promote higher unemployme­nt.

Nothing in the Budget takes the issue of unemployme­nt seriously and this could also affect the ANC in the next election.

Of course, there are entities which will benefit from the recent Budget pronouncem­ents and it is no surprise that they have praised the minister for his efforts.

The allocation of more funds for human settlement­s is crucial to the lives of all South Africans as is basic primary education and health, but they do not receive due recognitio­n in the Budget.

With next year’s general elections looming, South Africans must take note of the failings of the ANC in promoting a better life for all. Rathan B Garrib Buccleuch, Sandton

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