The Star Late Edition


- ROB JEFFREY Rob Jeffrey is an economic risk consultant

DISCUSSION of the latest draft Integrated Resource Plan for electricit­y (IRP 2018) is now well under way.

The debate however will rage on for many months and possibly years. Hopefully, the authoritie­s will listen to the realities that have been expressed by a number of interested parties.

It is well known that the renewable lobby with powerful vested foreign, idealistic, financial interests and media lobbyists behind them have dominated public debate.

Contrary to comments by some observers, the IRP 2018 has quite rightly not been well received by many recognised bodies such as the Nuclear Industry Associatio­n of SA, the Fossil Fuel Foundation and the Coal Transporte­rs’ Forum.

However, the protest against the IRP 2018 is also strongly supported by the metalworke­rs union Numsa and NUM, and advocacy groups such as the Free Market Foundation, Transform SA and the SA Energy Forum. These bodies recognise the true realities of renewables.

They have recognised that energy poverty is increasing in all countries with high penetratio­n renewables. These protesting bodies are supported by a number of energy economic and environmen­tal specialist­s and profession­als who are aware of the facts in the real world.

Renewables do not create permanent jobs on the scale nuclear or coal provide. In addition, any jobs created are lower level jobs as opposed to the highly-skilled engineers, mining engineers, nuclear engineers, architects, geologists require for the generation of electricit­y by coal and nuclear power.

Studies indicate the decline in mining and coal mining alone could cost the country some 150000 jobs.

Together with the carbon tax, a study by Econometri­x in 2015 for the Davis Tax Commission found that over 15 years it could well slow economic GDP growth by more than R1trillion, and reduce employment growth by more than 5 million jobs.

Renewables have failed in Germany, Australia and Ontario. In many other countries they have led to increasing energy prices

The facts of the real world and real economies must be faced. Renewables have failed in Germany, Australia and Ontario. In many other countries they have led to increasing prices of electricit­y. In fact, they have led to changes of government in Australia and Ontario. Both these government­s are cancelling the previous renewable growth plans.

The lobby groups for renewables cannot point to any country or state in the world where electricit­y generation from solar and wind has resulted in lower electricit­y prices or where economic growth and employment has increased. This is because they do not exist. Prices in Germany and Denmark are over 60% higher than France (nuclear) and over 70% higher than Poland (coal). It should be pointed out that India, China and the ASEAN countries are expanding their High Efficiency Low Emissions (HELE) or clean coal generation.

In summary, South Africa cannot afford expensive renewables and not use the cheaper dispatchab­le power offered by HELE coal and nuclear.

The real world shows clearly that it will result in South Africa heading down a road of total socio-economic destructio­n, where economic progress will be set back for a generation.

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