The Star Late Edition




1 They make one dogmatic about the ebb and flow in waters (3,5)

5 Remains, or trudges off (6)

9 Long to talk about, or gossip (8)

10 A car in ice skids, lady (6)

12 Get back, in a terrible rage, before (6) 13 Meet a no-good with a horse (4,4) 15 Won’t stand for leftovers warmed up, ‘e won’t! (6,6)

18 Let everyone know what you look forward to when packing (5,2,5)

23 Went back on what one had said and retired (8)

24 Many are held back by the party machine (6)

26 The clergymen, little lady, have transport (6)

27 Tell the canvasser to skedaddle and have a gun battle (5,3)

28 One of the seas in which the fish swam (6)

29 Travelled without a ticket but was let off (4,4)


1 Safe, as there’s a dog, you notice, guarding (6)

2 Get upset about the triumph – a little envy? (6)

3 Don’t accept there’s a diminution (7) 4 He’ll tell you there are otters about (4) 6 Trudge off with a priest (7)

7 Your chum lets the rain seep through and you get soaked (8)

8 That’s nothing to the strides made in medicament­s (8)

11 The act’s being performed and it excites one (5,2)

14 Nonsense written about an isolated cove (7)

16 With the storm having died down, will be forgotten (4,4)

17 A bit quiet: there’s something going on (8)

19 After treatment, needs a gold filling and you authorise it (7)

20 Shut out while Toby makes a bed in it (7) 21 Prefer “rosette” (6)

22 Green has courage (6)

25 The lady love is in footwear (4)

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