The Star Late Edition

May is gambling on future of Britain

- GEOFF HUGHES Geoff Hughes is an emeritus professor, formerly with Wits University

“LET us not break faith with the British people by trying to stage another referendum.

“Another vote would do irreparabl­e damage to the integrity of our politics… ” These two quotations reveal the embattled British Prime Minister Theresa May’s mindset: limited, arrogant, dogmatic, firmly closed, anti-democratic, all couched in a pseudo-religious idiom.

She has broken faith with the British people and done irreparabl­e damage to the integrity of their politics by unilateral­ly cancelling the crucial parliament­ary vote, thereby denying its democratic validity and underminin­g her own authority.

She is evidently a very slow learner, repeatedly going back to Brussels expecting “concession­s”, but still without parliament­ary endorsemen­t.

She is gambling with the future and the reputation of Britain in a high stakes game of poker.

It is a contest with no winners, least of all the British.

Project Fear, designed to coerce the waverers on to “her” side is now escalating into Project Panic as the heavy trucks move in.

A voice from the past gives her timely advice: “Tell the British people the truth.”

This novel idea (from Winston Churchill) raises the taboo topic of May’s honesty or “trustworth­iness”.

Will she go down in history as the savour of the nation or as the embodiment of Perfidious Albion “Treacherou­s Britain”?

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