The Star Late Edition

‘No connection between Trump and Berlin Wall’


I AM surprised that your journalist Kabelo Khumalo (“We need a concerted effort of South Africans to lend a hand”, yesterday’s Business Report) cannot see that there is no connection whatsoever between the Berlin Wall and US President Donald Trump’s wall.

The Berlin Wall was meant to keep people inside by brute force under the Communist regime, while Trump’s wall is meant to keep people out of America, especially those who think they can just walk into any country without any papers of validation and expect to be accommodat­ed, fed and housed free of charge as has already happened in Europe and South Africa when the electric fences were taken down on our borders.

We are now sitting with thousands of illegal immigrants who are becoming a burden on the taxpayer, according to the health minister. They often commit serious crimes and cannot be easily traced. Trump is not trying to reshape the global economy, but is simply trying to protect his country. If anybody is on the march it is certainly China, which has flooded the world with its cheap slave labour products.

China has caused a lot of unemployme­nt globally, especially in South Africa in the clothing and textile industry, and also in the shoe manufactur­ing industry. China has grown fat and thinks it can get away with this every time, as they flood the world with their cheap sweatshop products while scoring on the balance of payment account with every country

Contrary to what the Yale expert says, the American economy is flourishin­g with more jobs than ever.

Finally, the biggest wall ever built is in China for the exact same purpose as Trump – to protect their people. REGGIE VENTER

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