The Star Late Edition




Unlucky Louie has a modest coin collection. He told me about his latest acquisitio­n. “I bought it cheap online,” Louie gushed. “It must be rare. It’s marked ‘4 B.C.’”

“You made a killing,” I said.

When Louie played at four hearts, West led the ace and a low club (not best). Louie won and led a trump to the ace. He feared that if a finesse with the queen lost, East would give West a club ruff.

Louie then had to judge which trump to lead from dummy next. He shrugged and led low, losing to West’s jack. East’s king of trumps and ace of diamonds won later: down one. No Finesse

Louie’s play in trumps was as spurious as his “4 B.C.” coin. After West’s preempt, and after he showed the ace of clubs, East surely held the king of trumps (and Louie had so assumed when he didn’t finesse with the queen). If East won the second trump with the king, having held K-x, Louie would still fail: West would get a club ruff with the jack.

At Trick Four, Louie must lead the queen of trumps.

Daily Question

You hold: ♠ A K 3 ♥ A Q 9 2 ♦ K 10 4 ♣ Q 5 3. Your partner opens one club, you respond one heart and he bids 1NT. What do you say?

Answer: Your partner has a balanced hand with at most 14 or perhaps 15 points. Slam is possible, but only if he has a sound hand: If he holds Q 5 2, K 8 4, Q 3, A K 10 8 7, 6NT will be an excellent contract. Raise to 4NT, not Blackwood but a “quantitati­ve” try for slam. Your partner should look at his hand again and decide.

East dealer

N-S vulnerable

 ??  ??

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