The Star Late Edition

Agrease, agrizzi, aggrieved – I/you/ he/she bribes

- MUHAMMAD OMAR Durban North

TO THOSE that studied or have a faint memory of Latin or generally in some older criminal movie that had a scene were a group of people who were walking to the gallows and the priest was reading a Latin sermon.

As for those that did Latin, (Afrikaans is a breeze compared with Latin) the declension­s were a nightmare.

Ambulo, ambulas, ambulat – to walk, or the one everyone learns the first day amo, amas, amat – to love.

Latin had such an influence that the late Martin Thembisile Hani majored in Latin and English. Latin was chosen after listening to the Catholic sermons in his hometown of Cofimvaba. Martin was destined for priesthood until his father persuaded him otherwise. At high school, he was double promoted in a single year.

Martin Thembisile Hani is the famous Chris Hani we all know today.

As for allegation­s of corruption in South Africa, we have seen it all. The famous Citizen newspaper, Sol Kerzner and Matanzima, the Schaik trial, the Guptas, the Madonsela reports, and now the Zondo Commission. And to be continued.

As for bribery, this is as old as Latin times. To pass an exam you had to translate a text from Latin to English and vice versa.

So I guess if Latin was a subject today, a useful text for South African students would be.

“Slaves were bribed to turn against their masters, and freedmen to betray their patrons, and those who had not an enemy were destroyed by their friends”.

Now in Latin, corrupti in dominos servi, in patronos liberti, et quibus deerat inimicus per amicos oppressi.

This may sound like a good summary for the commission.

As for the Zondo Commission, it seems one aggrieved Mr Agrizzi (pronounced Agritzee) who explains how having lots of grit (sorry Robin Sharma) in probably greasing a lot of officials and now suddenly aggrieved after been shown the door.

What I find strange is when the goings were good he had no issues and now wakes up one morning and spills the beans. With friends like this, who needs enemies.

And as for Latin, maybe there will be a new declension going forward thanks to Mzansi, agrease, agrizzi,

aggrieved. I bribe, you bribe, he, she it bribes.

Have a nice day.

 ?? OUPA MOKOENA ?? FORMER Bosasa chief operations officer Angelo Agrizzi appears at the Specialise­d Commercial Crimes Court in Pretoria. African News Agency (ANA) |
OUPA MOKOENA FORMER Bosasa chief operations officer Angelo Agrizzi appears at the Specialise­d Commercial Crimes Court in Pretoria. African News Agency (ANA) |

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