The Star Late Edition

Omar appears be siding with 9/11 terrorists

- Germiston JR WHITLOCK |

MUSLIM Congresswo­man Ilhan Omar, in a speech to the US Muslim community, made a degrading statement about the 9/11 terror attack on the Twin Towers in New York.

She said “some people did something”, and told fellow-Muslims to “raise hell” and “make people uncomforta­ble” in order to defend their rights. Her comments are an incitement to violence.

The New York Times replied: “Here’s ‘something’ – 2 997 people dead by terrorists. How pathetic that a member of Congress cannot acknowledg­e what happened on one of the most horrific days in US history. Omar’s brushing off of the murder of thousands of innocents on 9/11 should shock all Americans, Muslims included.”

Not only Americans, but the world. The terrorists acted in the name of Islam – self-described Jihadists. That she could call them “some people” is unbelievab­le.

President Donald Trump retaliated by tweeting a video of the 9/11 attack, with snippets of her comments, also berating her for what she said.

Instead of siding with Trump in condemning the comments, the Democrats attacked him: “The president shouldn’t use the painful images of 9/11 for a political attack” and “to fuel the flames”. What nonsense.

Omar created the furore and should have been taken to task for her despicable comments. She seemed to sympathise more with terrorists than murdered countrymen.

The liberal left has, by defending her comments, surrendere­d to terror and should be ashamed of itself.

 ??  ?? DEMOCRAT Ilhan Omar should be taken to task for her incendiary comments, says the writer. | AP African News Agency (ANA)
DEMOCRAT Ilhan Omar should be taken to task for her incendiary comments, says the writer. | AP African News Agency (ANA)

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