The Star Late Edition

ANC has no moral code

- Parktown North DR PETER C. BAKER |

I REFER to the hype around the cash emoluments made by Ace Magashule to certain voters in the Cape.

Magashule, head honcho of the ANC and former notorious deal maker and premier of the Free State, has risen to even more infamy in the light of the recently released book by Pieter-Louis Myburgh, with the gangster Magashule front and centre.

It is no accident that Magashule made a point of seeing to it that the cameras rolled as he doled out the cash. For this gangster and his rotten ANC this is just business as normal; it is the way things have been done in the past and how things will continue if the ANC is kept in power. They have no moral, spiritual code of honesty.

The entire ANC is part of a necrotic mess only fit for complete removal from office and should be resigned to the incinerato­r of history. If the cancer remains it will kill the country.

Just look to Zimbabwe to see what a dead country looks like. The ANC government blatantly operates in the open, dispensing money, favour, contracts, housing and expense account upgrades to its members and operators.

South Africa’s only hope for the future for all of us is in the election of a party which has shown more that any other in this country it has the people, policies and moral code to pull South Africa out of its bottomless quagmire.

Mmusi Maimane and the DA deserve the vote of every right-thinking South African who understand­s and appreciate­s the democratic process.

If the DA screws up after five years in power, I would be the very first to cast my next vote for another party.

South Africa deserves better, but it will deserve what it gets if it re-elects the ANC.

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