The Star Late Edition



MILLARD’S KILLING LEAD After a duplicate game, some of us were in the club lounge discussing the deals, and Unlucky Louie admitted he had gone down at four hearts in today’s deal. “West led the jack of clubs,” he said, “and I took the ace and led the ace and a low diamond. I ruffed the next club, ruffed my last diamond in dummy and led trumps. I lost a trump and two spades.”

“I played at four hearts,” Ed, the club expert, said. “I got the same lead, but I ruffed a club at Trick Two, then led the ace and a low diamond.”

Last Club “When East won and led a trump, I won, ruffed a diamond, ruffed a club and took the K-Q of trumps. East discarded, but I went to the ace of spades and ruffed dummy’s last club for my 10th trick.” “Well done,” I said.

“What happened at your table?” Louie asked Cy the Cynic.

“I played at four hearts,” Cy said sourly, “and West was Millard Pringle, whose mind is apt to wander. His opening lead was a trump! I hope I never find out why. Try to make the contract now.”

Daily Question You hold: A 10 8 5 3 92 J5 A 8 5

♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ 2. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one spade and he rebids two diamonds. What do you say?

Answer: This case is close, but your aces and jack of diamonds justify an effort to get to 3NT. Opposite many minimum hands for partner — give him 6 2, Q 10 5, A K Q 9 6 3, K 6 — he will be a favorite for nine tricks. Raise to three diamonds and give him a chance to make a winning decision.

 ??  ?? South dealer N-S vulnerable
South dealer N-S vulnerable

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