The Star Late Edition

Media and central banks struggle with the same dance, writes Sizwe Dlamini |


THE ATTEMPT to force an Independen­t Media journalist to reveal confidenti­al informatio­n spearheade­d by retired police officer and Zondo Commission investigat­or Frank Dutton is yet another glaring sign that press freedom is under attack.

This after the Minister in the Presidency Jackson Mthembu reaffirmed the government’s commitment to media freedom as the country observed the 42nd commemorat­ion of Black Wednesday.

“To this day, media freedom forms part of one of the important cornerston­es of our democracy and freedom. We have in the recent past witnessed the crucial role played by the media in exposing corruption and state capture,” said Mthembu.

He also cautioned that this freedom came with huge responsibi­lity and said the government, therefore, cautioned the media to always self-reflect.

However, this caution leaves one slightly perturbed. It reminds me of the utterances made by a prominent minister’s spokespers­on who said, “you guys must be careful about what you report”.

But let’s do some self-reflecting… The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) recently sent a hoard of investigat­ors to the Sekunjalo offices to confiscate laptops and various communicat­ion gadgets in search of informatio­n related to share price manipulati­on.

I’m no forensic expert, but most of the informatio­n about how Sekunjalo-related companies trade is in the public domain. In fact, several media have cherry-picked and manipulate­d that informatio­n to produce some rather unsavoury content.

But somehow the FSCA missed all that?

We start digging deeper, and we get warned by a minister’s spokespers­on to be careful about what we report. Then an investigat­or from the State Capture Commission tries to force an Independen­t Media journalist to reveal sources. Hhayi bo!

It really doesn’t take a genius to see what is happening here.

The attack on the independen­ce of Independen­t Media is co-ordinated and the powers that be have resorted to abusing state resources in their desperatio­n to force a chill pill down our throats.

Just seven years ago in the South Gauteng High Court Judge Moroa Tsoka declared that freedom of the press was fundamenta­l to democracy. “It is essential that in carrying out this public duty for the public good, the identity of their sources should not be revealed.”

Judge Tsoka said: “This essential and critical role of the media, which is more pronounced in our nascent democracy, founded on openness, where corruption has become cancerous, needs to be fostered rather than denuded.”

The South African National Editors’ Forum said this judgment would enable investigat­ive reporters to be more effective in uncovering corruption, abuse of power and malpractic­e in both the public and private sectors as they would now be able to protect their confidenti­al sources of informatio­n with greater confidence.

This media house has independen­t journalist­s across South Africa as well as correspond­ents beyond the country’s borders and the move to “keep it in check” seems proper by those with something to hide.

In fact, a competing newspaper once suggested that the Public Investment Corporatio­n should force a merger between Independen­t Media and Tiso Blackstar, and that was the sin that did Jezebel in. Merge the two entities and you have one target to control.

South Africa has lost more than

R500 billion to state capture at the behest of the Gupta family and President Cyril Ramaphosa recently inferred that this could be even more than R1 trillion.

Then we have the Eskom situation. The state-owned power utility is struggling to keep the lights on, not making a profit and surviving only on government grants funded by the taxpayers – journalist­s included – keep this entity alive.

Eskom revealed in its annual report that it spent R6bn on diesel to avert load shedding. Such demand from the utility for diesel inadverten­tly pushes up the price of diesel. The recent fuel price prediction­s attest to this.

Eskom is buying coal from Glencore at three times the normal price. Again this is spurred by the huge demand for coal by Eskom to feed its bottomless coal-fired power plants.

A decent energy mix is a solution, but this clearly will not benefit the bank accounts of certain privileged players.

The less said about other stateowned entities – such as SAA, Transnet, the Central Energy Fund, Denel – the better.

With this new form of clean-collar looting, the majority of South Africa looks set to be poorer while the privileged elite cash in through the use of state resources.

At least R2 trillion of South Africa’s wealth is well on its way to offshore accounts and tax havens, and by the time all this is in the public domain, it will be too late for the ordinary South African Citizen to complain.

Only silent media can let this happen.

Journalist­s cannot always guarantee the truth, but getting the facts right is the cardinal principle. We put hard questions to power and the response we get is “be careful of what you report…” – scary!

No one wants to come out and set the record straight, instead, they opt to intimidate us using state organs.

Kuben Naidoo, the deputy governor of the South African Reserve Bank, said last week: “In many ways, the media and central banks struggle with the same dance: the need for independen­ce balanced by the need to be held accountabl­e to society.

“Journalist­s’ integrity rests on the need to be independen­t of political interferen­ce and commercial imperative­s, at the same time holding public trust through being accountabl­e for what they say, write, publish or broadcast. Similarly, central banks seek to be independen­t from political and commercial interferen­ce while holding the trust of the public through being open, transparen­t, impartial and accountabl­e.

“Neither of us, journalist­s nor central banks, are in a popularity contest. It is our responsibi­lity to tell the truth, in all its gory detail. Hence, our social licence to operate depends not on our popularity but on our integrity.”

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