The Star Late Edition


- | Nathan Adams


VETERAN comedian John Vlismas has dished out – and taken – some real comedy punches over the years.

But he’s finally ready to say goodbye to the limelight with his sanity intact. The funny man’s final gig will be at the Big Five Comedy Show at Grandwest Casino’s Grand Arena early next month, a fitting farewell to the man who’s spent the past 25 years entertaini­ng the masses locally and internatio­nally.

Vlismas, 46, said while he’d had a good run on the comedy circuit, he’d also battled many demons, some of which provided fodder for his stand-up shows.

The comic said that the death of his father last October was a real wake-up call. “It’s a time when you do a bit of reflection and think about what you’re actually doing. I realised that I really like the teaching I’m doing and I wanted to turn that into my next adventure,” Vlismas said.

About three years ago he went public with his battle with alcoholism and has stopped drinking. He said it was just one of the many ways he’d changed over the past few years, and reluctantl­y agreed that in his own way he’d had a positive effect on the local comedy scene.

Known for his caustic comedy and no-holds-barred punchlines, Vlismas said speaking about his own traumas and battles wasn’t always the easiest thing to deliver on stage.

“It can feel lonely when you’re sticking to your guns all the time. I mean, I helped the guys who went to Parliament to have the law re-written on hate speech.”

So, what’s next for Vlismas? Studying at Henley Business School has now led to a teaching post there. “I’m doing an MBA at the moment and then they asked me to start teaching their executive education programme. The course is about empathy…”

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