The Star Late Edition




We know Cy the Cynic used to have a job. He won’t talk about it, but Cy says the key to surviving in the workplace is to make your mistakes so big that they couldn’t be just one person’s fault.

Good defense is a matter of anticipati­ng your partner’s mistakes. In today’s deal, West led a heart against 3NT, and East took the ace and returned the six. When South followed with the three and four, West let dummy’s queen win, thinking to preserve communicat­ion.

Spade Tricks South next led a club to his hand and let the ten of diamonds ride. East won and returned a diamond. South later lost to East’s A-Q of spades but won two spades, three diamonds, three clubs and a heart. East can see five defensive tricks if West has the king of hearts — as long as West gets his king. To make sure of that, East exits with a club at Trick Two. He will lead a second heart only after he takes his spade and diamond tricks, and West’s king will defeat the contract.

This week: protect your partner.

Daily Question You hold: A Q 73 A 6 K 752♣8

♠ ♥ ♦ 6 5. Your partner opens one heart, you respond one spade and he rebids two hearts. What do you say?

Answer: Your partner has six or more hearts with minimum opening values. (He would never be obliged to rebid a five-card suit in this sequence.) To raise to four hearts might work, but your better game might be 3NT. Partner might hold 6 5, K Q J 852, A 4, K 104. To allow for that possibilit­y, bid three diamonds.

South dealer E-W vulnerable

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